District Teams

Acting on SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey Data

PDF file with worksheets 1–12

School Teams

Acting on SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey Data

PDF file with worksheets 1–12

Engaging Teachers in Decision-Making

Acting on SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey Data

PDF file with worksheets 1–9

Maximizing the Use of Teacher Time

Acting on SC Teacher Working Conditions Survey Data

PDF file with worksheets 1–9

References & Resources

Harmsen, R., Helms-Lorenz, M., Maulana, R., & Van Veen, K. (2018). The relationship between beginning teachers’ stress causes, stress responses, teaching behaviour and attrition. Teachers and Teaching, 24(6), 626-643.

Starrett, A., Barth, S., Gao, R., DiStefano, C., Liu, J., & Go, J., & Lewis, A (2023). 2023 South Carolina teacher working conditions survey. SC TEACHER. https://sc-teacher.org/documents/teacher-working-conditions/

Harmsen, R., Helms-Lorenz, M., Maulana, R., & Van Veen, K. (2018). The relationship between beginning teachers’ stress causes, stress responses, teaching behaviour and attrition. Teachers and Teaching, 24(6), 626-643.

Starrett, A., Barth, S., Gao, R., DiStefano, C., Liu, J., & Go, J., & Lewis, A (2023). 2023 South Carolina teacher working conditions survey. SC TEACHER. https://sc-teacher.org/documents/teacher-working-conditions/


CarolinaCrED Resources

mCrED hosts a robust micro-credentials library created for SC leaders and learners by SC leaders and learners. Introductory webinars, access to a growing micro-credential library, and wrap-around services provide the support you need to build capacity within your schools and district.

CarolinaCrED CORE
CarolinaCrED CORE connects learners and leaders to the personalized support they need to accelerate career opportunities. CarolinaCrED CORE provides personalized, professional learning solutions to meet the unique needs of educators in the form of flat-rate contract courses, customized degree programs, and packages that lead to add-on certifications and endorsements in South Carolina.

Professional Publications

The Gift of Teacher Time: Making Teachers’ Time a Valued Resource in Your School
This article contains a list of ideas for how school leaders can make the most of teachers’ time. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/usable-knowledge/19/09/gift-teacher-time

The NO in Innovate
This blog shares a strategy for identifying priorities so that teams can strategically abandon efforts that do not align. https://www.edutopia.org/article/no-innovate/

Planning time may help mitigate teacher burnout—but how much planning time do teachers get?
This blog provides an overview of a number of studies related to the use of teacher time and includes a list of questions for districts to explore. https://www.nctq.org/blog/Planning-time-may-help-mitigate-teacherburnoutbut- how-much-planning-time-do-teachers-get

Reimagining the School Day: Innovative Schedules for Teaching and Learning
This article contains several examples of innovative schedules, as well as information about operations, cost considerations, and outcomes. https://www.americanprogress.org/article/reimagining-the-school-day/

Teacher Vacancy Task Force Final Report—February 2023 (pp. 35–38)
This report contains concrete recommendations for system leaders on how to actualize the overall recommendation to ”demonstrate respect and value for teacher time.” https://tea.texas.gov/texas-schools/health-safety-discipline/tvtf-final-report.pdf

Teaching Together for Change: Five Factors That Make Teacher Teams Successful—and Make Schools Stronger
The five factors articulated in this article can help ensure that the use of teacher time while engaged in teamwork is effective and efficient. https://www.gse.harvard.edu/ideas/usable-knowledge/16/02/teaching-together-change

Three Steps to a Strategic Schedule: Creating Effective School Schedules
This website contains numerous tools and resources that outline a three-step process for school scheduling that maximizes available resources (people, time, and money) and meets the needs of students and teachers. https://www.erstrategies.org/toolkits/strategic_school_scheduling_tools TOOLKIT: Maximizing the Use of Teacher Time 17

Leading Improvement, Together: Walker Gamble Elementary and the SC Collective Leadership Initiative
In this case study, read how engaging in a time study and the South Carolina Collective Leadership Initiative helped this school leverage the expertise of its staff to sharpen focus on instruction, boost achievement, and narrow achievement gaps. https://miraeducation.org/leading-improvement-togetherwalker- gamble-elementary-and-the-sc-collective-leadership-initiative/

Professional Research

Hargreaves, A. (2021). Teacher collaboration: 30 years of research on its nature, forms, limitations and effects. In Day, C. (Ed.), Policy, teacher education and the quality of teachers and teaching. Routledge.

Based on 30 years of research, Hargreaves discusses the explanatory and strategic power of three concepts in particular—contrived collegiality, professional capital, and collaborative professionalism. Much of teacher time has been contrived collegiality. As the teaching profession advances, teacher time needs to enhance professional capital built on collaborative professionalism, which will require more meaningful collaborative time.

Admiraal, W., Schenke, W., De Jong, L., Emmelot, Y., & Sligte, H. (2021). Schools as professional learning communities: What can schools do to support professional development of their teachers? Professional Development in Education, 47(4), 684–698. https://doi.org/10.1080/19415257.2019.1665573

In a study of 14 Dutch schools, the authors found that collaborative work and collaborative learning were the most frequently mentioned interventions to promote professional development. They found that formal and informal teacher working groups were beneficial for embedding sustainable interventions.

Merritt, E. G. (2016). Time for teacher learning, planning critical for school reform. Phi Delta Kappan, 98(4), 31–36. https://doi.org/10.1177/0031721716681774

The author finds that teacher collaboration time is essential for school improvement. She recommends expanding time for teacher collaboration by shortening the school day for students, embedding more teacher work days into the school calendar, or increasing staff.

Lee, M., Kim, J. W., Mo, Y., & Walker, A. D. (2022). A review of professional learning community (PLC) instruments. Journal of Educational Administration, 60(3), 262–287. https://doi.org/10.1108/JEA-03-2021-0060

A key element of teacher planning time in many schools is the professional learning community (PLC). The authors examine the use of tools used in PLCs and recommend that particular attention be paid to the types and uses of those tools. Most meet basic standards for being valid and reliable, but they find variation in concepts and key components of the PLC. Overall, they find that the tools use teacher time to examine 1) shared vision, 2) student learning, and 3) collaboration.


Rosenberg, Daigneau, and Galvez (2018). Finding Time for Collaborative Planning. Connected Professional
Learning in Depth, Retrieved from:


CarolinaCrED Resources

mCrED (https://carolinacred.org/) hosts a robust micro-credentials library created for SC leaders and
learners by SC leaders and learners. Introductory webinars, access to a growing micro-credential library,
and wrap-around services provide the support you need to build capacity within your schools and district.

CarolinaCrED CORE
CarolinaCrED CORE connects learners and leaders to the personalized support they need to accelerate
career opportunities. CarolinaCrED CORE provides personalized, professional learning solutions to meet
the unique needs of educators in the form of flat-rate contract courses, customized degree programs, and
packages that lead to add-on certifications and endorsements in South Carolina.

Professional Publications

A Policy Agenda to Address the Teacher Shortage in U.S. Public Schools
This report about the larger issue of the teacher shortage has a specific proposal to amplify teacher
engagement in decision-making as a strategy for retaining teachers.

Three Ways Administrators Can Include Teachers in Decision-Making
This article describes three concrete actions school administrators can take to engage teachers in school-
level decision-making.

Leadership Matters: Teachers’ Roles in School Decision Making and School Performance
The report authors analyzed data from the Teaching, Empowering, Leading and Learning (TELL) Survey,
including a focus on a set of questions regarding the role of teachers in eight key areas of decision-making
and teacher leadership in schools.


García, E., & Weiss, E. (2020, October 15). A policy agenda to address the teacher shortage in U.S. public schools. Economic Policy Institute. https://www.epi.org/publication/a-policy-agenda-to-address-theteacher- shortage-in-u-s-public-schools/

Ingersoll, R.M., Sirinides, P., & Dougherty, P.T. (2018). Leadership matters: Teachers’ roles in school decision making and school performance. The American Educator, 42, 13.

Plotinsky, M. (2022, June 1). Three ways administrators can include teachers in decision-making. Edutopia. https://www.edutopia.org/article/3-ways-administrators-can-include-teachers-decision-making/

Sorensen, L. & Ladd, H. (2020). The hidden costs of teacher turnover. AERA Open. https://doi.org/10.1177/2332858420905812.

Starrett, A., Barth, S., Geo, R., DiStefano, C., Liu, J., & Go, J. (2023) 2023 South Carolina teacher working conditions survey. SC TEACHER. https://sc-teacher.org/documents/teacher-working-conditions/