District Teams / Analyze
Exploring an Opportunity for Improvement

From the Overview page in your dashboard, locate the condition listed last. This is likely your most opportune area for improvement. Is it a resource or a demand? Resources are indicated by the black bars. Demands are indicated by the light green bars.
Record this opportune area for improvement in Worksheet 6.
Go to the page that has your district’s most opportune area for improvement. This is listed in either the “Resources” or “Demands” section of your report.
In Worksheet 6, list the survey items from your district’s most opportune area for improvement.
With your team, discuss the following and capture notes in Worksheet 6:
What district practices may have contributed to the improvement needs related to each of the items?
What district policies may have contributed to improvement needs related to each of the items?
What other contributing factors may be at play for each item signaling the greatest improvement opportunity?
For each column (Contributing Practices and Contributing Policies), highlight words or phrases that show connections among items. Use different colors for different connections.
Team discussion protocol:
Create role-alike groups and discuss the following questions, capturing notes on chart paper:
What patterns do we see in the items from our most opportune area for improvement?
What patterns do we see in the highlighting of practices, policies, and/or other contributing factors?
How might item(s) in the Areas of Strength be leveraged to address needs for improvement?
To what degree might the practices and policies associated with the item(s) be leveraged to address needs for improvement?
Each role-alike group shares the notes they captured with the whole group. As role-alike groups share, the rest of the team is listening for commonalities across roles.
Whole group debrief: Across our role-alike groups, what commonalities do we hear for ideas on leveraging areas of strength to address needs for improvement?
Enter insights in Worksheet 6.
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- Analyze the items and the notes from Worksheet 6.
- Analysis questions (enter your team’s responses in Worksheet 7):
- What is your team’s theory about why these items are most in need of improvement?
- How and to what extent does the evidence in the previous coding exercise (Worksheet 6) confirm or refute your team’s theory?
- What practices or policies from your areas of strength could be applied to your area for improvement?
- Where and with whom does expertise lie in those areas of strength?
- What would need to happen to be able to apply areas of strength to your most opportune area for improvement?
- Analysis questions (enter your team’s responses in Worksheet 7):
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