
District Data

Table of contents

The below steps are based on the cycle of acting and collaborating on SCTWCS data.
Throughout this toolkit, you will see how each page and resource connects to one of these five steps.


This toolkit is structured to focus attention on how practices, policies, and/or decisions made at the district level can contribute to improving working conditions in schools. It is intended for use by district teams to create plans for themselves, rather than plans for school-level personnel. A separate toolkit is available for school teams to analyze and address working conditions at the school level.

This section of the toolkit is intended for use mostly by educators who are charged with addressing district- level continuous improvement. Usually, those individuals will work at the district level themselves, though you are encouraged to include one or more school-based administrators and one or more teachers on the team as well. The first step is to define who is, or should be, part of this work.


Assemble a team of educators that represents diverse perspectives and areas of expertise to engage in the work of analyzing and addressing district impact on teacher working conditions. Using Worksheet 1 that follows, you will see recommendations for some of the perspectives and expertise that ideally would be included on the team.

It is important for each team member to understand that the purpose of the work is to engage in continuous improvement efforts that can impact working conditions across the district, not only situations that impact individuals or small groups.


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