Now that your team has analyzed SCTWCS data and some additional resources in the previous section of this toolkit, it is time to identify a focus area for your team’s working condition improvement efforts. Complete Worksheet 6 by revisiting discussions and information gathered earlier in this toolkit.

Worksheet 6: Selecting a Focus Area

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As you work to identify an area on which to focus improvement efforts, we encourage your team to start small, perhaps at the survey item level. Small wins help build momentum and allow for sustained effort over time. Keep in mind the more focused your improvement efforts are, the more quickly you are likely to see results.

We also invite you to consider a range of factors beyond a numerical score to guide your selection of a focus area. Discuss the following questions with your team:

  • What shift is likely to make the biggest difference in teacher working conditions? For instance, might amplifying teachers’ ability to select instructional materials have the largest impact?
  • If improved, what shift might make a difference most quickly? For example, might convening a team of teachers to establish student discipline procedures for the school quickly provide change?
  • Which shift may connect with existing efforts and values if focused on? For instance, if your district/school is already involved in improvement planning related to a condition other than shared governance, might it make sense to further integrate teachers into that process?
  • What actions to improve something related to survey items are likely to most clearly signal intent to support? For example, might explicit and transparent actions that address multiple survey prompts be a way to clearly signal support?

Based on the discussion of the previous questions, complete Worksheet 7 to identify an area on which to focus your team’s improvement efforts.

Worksheet 7: Area of Focus

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