Identify Actionable Next Steps

Now that your team has identified a single, data-informed area of focus, identify three actionable next steps to take that will begin the process of improvement within your school/district. For each step, identify a person who will be responsible for ensuring movement forward. Additionally, identify the next date and time for your team to convene (or check in asynchronously) to discuss progress.

Worksheet 9 can serve as an action console that signals your progress in applying SCTWCS data to your ongoing work. Reviewing status, learning, and impact at each leadership team or improvement team meeting may be one way to apply efforts in the context of your regular work cadence. New action items that emerge from each meeting can be filled in on the next meeting’s console for review at that time. Between meetings, the most recent version of the console can serve as a reporting tool, allowing any member of your team to share current progress and next steps with district leadership, school-based teams, community members, or others you wish to engage in the effort.

As your team identifies actionable next steps and moves toward creating a comprehensive action plan, we invite you to investigate the Resources section of this toolkit. There you will find a number of professional publications that have research, information, and strategies for increasing teacher participation in shared governance and decision-making.

Worksheet 9: Next Steps

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Next Steps
Action Steps
Person Facilitating Efforts
Status (Started, In Progress, Launched)
Notes on Impact and Learning

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Develop a Comprehensive Action Plan

For those teams interested in developing a more comprehensive action plan, SC TEACHER will work in partnership with CarolinaCrED and Mira Education to supply more in-depth support over time, including access to micro-credentials and support for capacity-building, strategy design, and implementation. These facilitation partners also provide coaching for district and school improvement teams using these data.

Let us know how we can support your team