There are a number of analyses in which your team can engage to learn more about the unique challenges teachers in your school or district are facing related to demands on their time. The logical place to start analysis is with the results from the SCTWCS—both the condition that addresses teacher time, and the specific survey prompts that may be contributing factors to the challenges teachers encounter in finding sufficient time to do their work well. In addition, there are a number of tools and processes that your team can use to delve more deeply into specific challenges. Your team may choose to engage with all of the resources provided or select those specific to the needs in your context. We recommend that whatever additional analyses your team opts to engage in, they be thoughtfully integrated into already-existing improvements efforts. In our efforts to address demands on teachers’ time, we want to avoid inadvertently increasing the demand by adding something else that does not result in increased efficiency.


The condition from the SCTWCS that directly addresses the use of teacher time is Amount of Paperwork and Routine Duties. This condition is intended to address the degree to which teachers believe they have adequate time to complete the day-to-day tasks of their work.

Condition: Amount of Paperwork and Routine Duties

Let’s take a closer look at the survey items included in this condition. Use Worksheet 2 to capture the average score from your district/school dashboard for each survey item. Once the first four rows are complete, engage in a discussion with your team about which items represent an area of strength and which represent an opportunity for growth. Also discuss the criteria on which you based your responses. Come to a consensus with the team about the greatest area of strength and greatest opportunity for growth. This information will be used later in this toolkit when your team selects an area of focus.

Worksheet 2: Amount of Paperwork and Routine Duties

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Items: You have additional time to…

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Team Reflection Protocol: Think—Pair—Share

  1. Think: Each person on the team captures individual notes about the questions:
    1. What are likely some contributing factors to your area of greatest strength?
    2. What structures or supports are in place that may account for that area of strength?
  2. Pair: Team members pair up and share their responses with each other.
  3. Share: Pairs share takeaways from the conversations and a group member captures key takeaways from the group in Worksheet 3.
  4. Think: Each person on the team captures individual notes about the questions:
    1. How might your team leverage the area of greatest strength to address an opportunity for growth?
    2. What structures or supports from your area of strength might carry over to the opportunity for growth?
  5. Pair: Team members pair up and share their responses with each other.
  6. Share: Pairs share takeaways from the conversations and a group member captures key takeaways from the group in Worksheet 3.

Worksheet 3: Leveraging the Area of Strength

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Are there structures or support in place that may account for that area of strength?
What structures or supports from your area of strength might carry over to the opportunity for growth?

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